Welcome to 2HC!

Welcome to Harvest House Church, your home away from home!

Here at 2HC we have prepared a place for you to hang out each day and feast on refreshing and nourishing "soul" food.

Our objective is to give you the word of God in everyday language that will be pertinent to your right now situations. To make this effective we have made this site very simple and user friendly. We have daily, weekly, and monthly posts that are sure to keep you excited, involved, motivated, and victorious!

Thank you for visiting us today and please feel free to drop us a line by simply clicking on the word 'comment' below the blog of your choice, write in your comment (with your name), hit the 'select a profile' drop bar and click 'annonymous'. Once this is done click 'post your comment'. We would love to hear your feedback. You can also leave us your prayer requests and praise reports so we can believe God with you for your needs or rejoice with you for the great things He has already manifested!

Thanks again for visiting and we hope to see you as a 2HC follower!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Words of Jesus Week - Day 5

"And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive your trespasses.
But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your trespasses." - Mark 11:25, 26

Today's message deals with something common to all of us. We all have that someone who has wronged us and made us feel angry or disappointed. The last thing in the world we want to do is forgive them, because after all, it was their fault, right?

Well, hard as it may be, Jesus has given us a command that we must forgive them. Let's face it, God our heavenly Father has forgiven us for far worse things, right? And because of this, He says that we must forgive others in order to activate His forgiveness toward us! How much forgiveness must we extend to others? Luke 17:3, 4 explains that we must forgive as many times as we are wronged, even up to seven times in one day! This message is reaffirmed in Eph. 4:32. 2Cor. 2:10, 11 informs us that when we don't forgive, the devil has the opportunity to take advantage of us. He sees to it that this issue becomes a burden to us.

Friends, let today be the day you forgive that person or those people who have spoken or done something against you. When you do, God will immediately remove that burden from your shoulders, and extend His forgiveness toward you.

B. Bless'D!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Words of Jesus Week - Day 4

Luke 8:39 - "Return to your own house, and tell what great things God has done for you."

How many times have God come through for you in the past? I'm pretty sure if you were to think back over time, God has done amazing things in your life whether you asked Him to or not. Do you know that whenever He does it is our responsiblility to tell others about it?

Rev. 12:11 tells us that we overcome Satan by the word of our testimony. Our testimony is our account of a blessing or miracle God has given us. By sharing it with others, we not only encourage their faith, but we build a defence against the devil's lies against us that tries to make us believe that our issues are hopeless. One of my favorite quotes is: "A man with an experience is never at the mercy of the man with an argument."

Acts 10:34 says, "Then Peter opened his mouth and said: 'In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality." That means God is no respector of persons; He will do the same for you as He will for me. This is why it is important for others to know what God did for us.

So, let's follow Jesus' command to "...tell what great things God has done for you."

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Words of Jesus Week - Day 3

Today's message is drawn from a passage of scripture where Jesus appears to His disciples, walking on the sea. The words He speaks to them seem almost too simple to those of us who have become familiar with this verse. Please allow me to re-introduce to you the power of His words.

The disciples thought they were seeing a ghost as Jesus approached them out on the dark waters, and were terrified! Jesus' words brought immediate comfort to them as "...do not be afraid." echoed over the water.

My friends, there is no great revelation in today's message. Whenever we allow Jesus' presence into our circumstances, all fear must go! Fear and faith cannot co-exist. I think we are all guilty of letting bad things in our lives produce a fear in us. It is somewhat automatic in our nature, that's why Jesus has to command us not to fear. In other words, he is saying, do not let fear in! Fear doesn't make that decision, we do! Too often we default to permitting anxiety attacks, high blood pressure, mental breakdown, and eventually flipping out, as a coping mechanism. The sad thing is that we think its normal behaviour. In 2 Cor. 12:9 Jesus says, "...My grace is sufficient for you, For my strength is made perfect in weakness."

Let me encourage you to let His presence comfort you and His peace keep your fears away, just like it did for the disciples. Ask Jesus to take over when these times come. Invite Him in and "Be of good cheer...". Finally, John 14:27 says it best, "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."

B. Bless'D!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Words of Jesus Week - Day 2

Hello Friends,

I pray that you are doing well today.

Today's words of Jesus come from Mark 9:23 - "Jesus said to him, 'If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.' "

This is Jesus' response to a man who brought his son to be healed of a deaf and dumb spirit. It's fascinating to see how Jesus speaks with such authority! He begins, "If you can believe..." Do you remember that believing is also a requirement when we are born again? (Rom 10:9). Why is believing so important? Heb. 11:6 says, "But without faith it is impossible to please him [God]." For those of you that have kids, do you think it would please you if they did not believe in you? Especially when it comes to the things that can affect their welfare? Well it's the same with God. Faith is what moves Him. We must have full confidence in His ability! If we have no faith there can be no miracles. Matt. 13:58 records that Jesus could not do many miracles back in His own hometown because a the people's unbelief. Now, If we do believe in Him there is a promise. He says, "...all things are possible ...". He didn't say some things or one or two things, He said ALL THINGS.

Where is your faith level today? Do you really believe that God can handle your mess? I mean do you really believe it? My friends, John 10:10 tells us that Jesus' ultimate purpose for coming to the earth was to give us abundant life, so do you dare to believe Him for the impossible?

Remember this: What you believe determines what you receive!

B. Bless'D!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Thank You!

I wish to thank all of you that visit us here at the 2HC site. You have been giving us great feedback, letting us know how valuable this ministry is to you.

For those of you that may still have problems leaving comments, please send me an email pastorfranklyn7@yahoo.com, letting me know.

Thanks again for your support!

Words of Jesus Week - Day 1

I am so very excited about this week because today begins the first of five short messages on the words of Jesus.

This week's theme comes from Matthew 4:4 - "But He [Jesus] answered and said, ' "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.' " The success of our spiritual lives depend on us living according to God's word. We westerners tend to place our confidence on things like; having that perfect job, or that status in society, but we should realize that while important, those things are not our ultimate source for success, victory and happiness. Notice Jesus did not say that we should not have them, He said we shall not live by them only. This is why I have purposed to write these messages; to place emphasis on the words of our Lord. He says in John 6:63 "...The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life." So, each message this week will be centered around a scripture where Jesus' life giving words are spoken.

Today's message comes from Matthew 4:10 - "Then Jesus said to him, 'Away with you Satan! For it is written, 'You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.' " Now I know that this statement was made to the devil himself, but Jesus is actually quoting the Bible (Deut. 6:13, 14) which means that it is for us too. The message is clear that worship belongs to God alone! Both in times past and today, people have taken their God-given need to worship and misdirected it. People worship other gods knowingly; Buddha, Allah, Dagon, Baal, and on the list goes, but many worship other gods unknowingly as well; career, hobby, money, aristocracy, and even family! Now, as I pointed out before, some of these things are necessary to the health and well being of our lives, but NOTHING should ever take the top spot, which is reserved for God alone.

It is easy to see what or who you worship. Just look at where you have dedicated your service!

B. Bless'd!

Friday, May 21, 2010

What's Next?!

I am very exited to inform you that this coming week has been designated "The Words of Jesus Week" here at the 2HC blogsite! Please look out for it. Each day next week I will give you a short but powerful excerpt from the word of God; timely, potent words spoken by our Saviour and Lord, Jesus Christ!

I believe that Jesus' words carry bondage breaking power, unlike any other words in the Bible. The anointed words of Christ can bring life to you, just as they did for each person Jesus encountered. His resurrection power came to all that were oppressed, depressed, sick, and even dead!

Please don't miss it! There's a breakthrough with your name on it!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Who are your Enemies?

Do you know who your enemies really are? Is it something you consider at all? You may ask, what fight are we in pastor? Why should I have enemies? Well I'm glad you asked.

We all have been given a mandate from God our Father on how we should live. The reality exists that there are some very real enemies that are waging war against us everyday, and unless we are aware of them and their tactics, we cannot fight against effectively.

Some of you are probably thinking that these enemies must be the people around us that hate us, that are prejudiced against us, or those that have opposing religious believes or world views to ours, but you would be incorrect. Now let me clarify that in the natural sense we do have an enemy in those who have waged war on this Nation, and yes, they are a threat to fight against. However, as Christians, the enemies I want to mention are quite different and have to do with our own personal battles we must imperatively fight and win on a daily basis.

Our first enemy is the enemy of our own FLESH. Gal. 5:24-"And those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires." We MUST kill our evil desires of lust and sinful passions on a daily basis. The Bible warns us of the lust of the flesh. Gal. 5:19-21 gives us a list of what the flesh produces if we allow it. God calls this sin and we must fight it. Other scripture on this include, Eph. 2:3, Rom. 13:14, Gal. 6:12, 13, Gal. 5:17, Rom. 8:7, Gal. 6:8, and Rom. 7:5. Please READ THEM!

Our second enemy is the appealing things of this world that give us the 'I must have it' desire! The Bible calls this lust of the eye. Lust has various origins; Satan (1 John 3:8), the heart (Matt. 15:19), the flesh (James 1:14, 15), and the world (2 Peter 1:4). We must be ever so careful not to let this one creep in. The lust for THINGS can appear innocent and harmless, yet it is sin in God's eyes!

Finally, we have the enemy of Satan and his demonic legion. Eph. 6:12 - "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." Our fight is not with one another; God has commanded us to LOVE each other as a sign that we belong to Christ. But our fight is with the devil himself. He is the "tempter", "the evil one", and the Bible says his only mission is to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). Do you knwo that the word devil comes from the word Diablo? it means: to strike repeattedly until the enemy concedes! But we can defeat him and we do it the same way Jesus did...by speaking the word of God every time he tries to attack. We must stay in God's word so that we are equipped to fight these enemies!

B. Victorious! B. Blessed!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mothers' Week

Hi Friends,

This week I thought to do things a little differently. As the whole universe knows, yesterday was Mothers' Day and rightfully so, we all celebrated our mothers.

I thought we could take that same spirit of appreciation and continue to honor and give exceptional attention to our mothers all week long! Let's face it, many of us have moms that have done more for us than we can ever think of repaying. I think a week of special surprises and conscientious affection would certainly be in order.

Mothers are the unique blessing that God has given to His creation. He reserved such a special place for our earthly mothers that we don't have a heavenly Mother like we do a heavenly Father. Have you ever thought of that?
Exodus chapter 2 reveals a mother's love and devotion as the story of Moses' mother reminds us of how important this bond really is between mother and child.

For those of you that have feelings of neglect because your mom may have given you up at an early age or just left you neglected, let me comfort you in this; Ps. 27:10 says, "when my Father and Mother forsake me, then the Lord will take care of me." God's all sufficiency is all we need when there is no parent!

For the rest of us with no excuse, let's honor our moms throughout the week. God promises us long life if we do,(this is the ONLY commandment that promises a reward for obedience). I know you will! B Blessed!

Monday, May 3, 2010

How Big is God?

If you've ever wondered why you should put your trust in God, now is the time to find out.

I have 3 reasons to never again doubt God's ability to obliterate your problems!

1/ God is Omniscient (all knowing)

1 Cor. 2:9-13 - This scripture teaches us that The spirit of God searches "all things" meaning, there is nothing that God does not know about. God reveals to those of us who are His children, the deep secrets He has hidden away from eveyone else! Isn't that amazing. God is making it clear to us that He is the teacher; the One that tells us things we need to know, and this is done by His divine knowledge of everything. With this assurance, we know that nothing takes God by surprise. He is fully aware of our issues and problems long before they show up!

2/ God is Omnipresent (all places at once)

Ps. 139:7-13 - Here David proclaims that there is no place in Heaven, Hell, or on the Earth that God is not present! Now I'm pretty sure this increases your confidence in God's ability. Knowing that God not only knows it all, but is everywhere at once, means that He has the advantage that no one else possesses. He sees all that is happening, wherever it happens, and knows all there is to know about everything. There is no incident or event, thought or intention that passes God's attention!

3/ God is Omnipotent (all powerful)

I saved my favorite one for last. Amos 4:13 makes a declaration of the power of God! It is He alone who created the Heavens, the Earth and everything in between! Ps. 24:1-2 shouts, "The earth is the Lord's, and all its fullness, the world and all who live in it." Everything belongs to God because He created it all! He did it by His mighty POWER. He also rules by His mighty power. God would not have created all this if He did not have the power to control it and rule over it.

My friends, keep these 3 attributes of God in mind always! These are the reasons why God brings victory to our lives. Simply put, He has the ability to! Yes, He can handle ANYTHING that comes your way! B Blessed!