Welcome to 2HC!

Welcome to Harvest House Church, your home away from home!

Here at 2HC we have prepared a place for you to hang out each day and feast on refreshing and nourishing "soul" food.

Our objective is to give you the word of God in everyday language that will be pertinent to your right now situations. To make this effective we have made this site very simple and user friendly. We have daily, weekly, and monthly posts that are sure to keep you excited, involved, motivated, and victorious!

Thank you for visiting us today and please feel free to drop us a line by simply clicking on the word 'comment' below the blog of your choice, write in your comment (with your name), hit the 'select a profile' drop bar and click 'annonymous'. Once this is done click 'post your comment'. We would love to hear your feedback. You can also leave us your prayer requests and praise reports so we can believe God with you for your needs or rejoice with you for the great things He has already manifested!

Thanks again for visiting and we hope to see you as a 2HC follower!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Weekly Update!

This past week we instituted something new at our weekly service (we're always evolving!). Instead of my usual teaching, we had something that I call 'Roundtable'. It was refreshing to jump down from the pulpit, pull up a chair, and just chat a bit with our crew. We covered everything from upcoming events to exciting new elements that we will be implementing, and finished off with a Q&A. We will have these every few weeks.
Speaking of upcoming events, we have scheduled a massive Garage Sale for Sept 18Th. Everyone's excited and we will have all hands on deck to pull this off with great success. The funds will go toward our ministry growth needs. During the month of July, we are accepting donations for this BIG event, so if you would like to bless us with items that you know will sell, please leave a comment below this message, or you can email me at pastorfranklyn7@yahoo.com.
The first of our monthly Meet-Greet-Eat is scheduled for Friday, August 6Th. @ 7pm-8pm. You can contact me for the location. These will continue on the 1st Friday of each month! These meetings will give us the opportunity to meet new ministry friends as everyone MUST bring someone! We will enjoy good food from a variety of ethnic backgrounds, as our multicultural group will be going 'Pot Luck' style.
The first of our quarterly Food-Fun-Fellowship (f3) events will be in the month of December. We have not yet determined a working date so look out for the update! These are strictly for our 2hc family to let it all go and have fun! We will be visiting an exciting new venue each time; theme parks, water parks, theatres, cool restaurants...you get the idea!
If you live in the Mandarin area and are not yet connected to a church...well you now know where to go!
See you soon! - Pastor Franklyn


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